Practice Information

Ethics and Policy

An ethical and confidentiality code, in line with the NHMRC Code of Ethics and the Privacy Act, is upheld by ALL staff at Milton Medical Centre. We have a policy of seeing emergency cases on the day. We request your tolerance of possible delays, as we feel this policy benefits the whole community. Telephoning ahead of your appointment time may help you avoid this. Email is not a preferred method of contact as this is not monitor outside of business working hours.


Patients Health Information

Your medical record is a confidential document. It is the policy of this practice to maintain the security if personal health information at all time and to ensure that this information is only available to authorised members of staff.

Telephoning the doctor

The doctors will respond to phone calls and electronic communication relating to your health during operating hours, if they are busy consulting, a message will be taken by reception staff and the doctor will call you back, usually at the end of the session.

Follow up of Test Results

Your Doctor will advise you when your results are expected back at the practice.

Reminder System

Our practice is committed to preventative care. The practice will seek your permission to be included on our recalls/reminder system.A consent form will need to be completed and signed before offering you preventative health care services appropriate to your care.

Health Care

Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care. 10 Tips for Safer Health Care (right click and open hyperlink) for all relevant information.

Patient Feedback

We are keen to know if you are unhappy with any aspect of care you have received. Please feel free to talk to your doctor, management or put your comments in the suggestion box at Reception.Although we would prefer to deal with problems locally, if you wish please call Health Services Complaints CommissionerSydney Toll Free:1800 043 159.

Mission of Milton Medical Centre

Milton Medical Centre is a general practice catering for residents of and visitors to the Milton Ulladulla District.The practice has a number of local doctors and nurses providing services aimed at promoting good health and well-being for our patients.Using a patient-centered model of practice we provide holistic and excellent care including general medical care, a diabetes service, antenatal care and medical care at the local residential aged care facility.We are also a teaching practice and have an emphasis on the education of medical students, junior doctors and nurses.

Junior Doctors and Medical Students

Our practice is committed to mentoring and providing support for upcoming doctors. We support and provide opportunities for Junior Doctors & Medical Students to learn under supervision of our senior doctors within our practice.

Facilities about the Practice

MILTON MEDICAL CENTRE has a commitment to quality rural general practice and provides in-patient care at Milton/Ulladulla Hospital and a comprehensive range of services including:

Babies & Children

A small play area is provided for children. A changing area for babies is provided in the bathroom area. Please let us know if you have any other special needs.


Urgent cases will be seen at any time. If you have an emergency, telephone immediately and discuss the problem, or come directly to the Medical Centre.For major emergencies, day or night, such as chest pain, trouble breathing, or a major accident, call the AMBULANCE immediately on OOO or 131 233.


If you have an urgent problem when the surgery is closed, go the hospital or call an ambulance if appropriate. GPs in the area rotate in providing after hours service in the hospital.